Spend includes 4 tabs – Budget, Investments, Strategy, and Insights tab – that allow you to effortlessly drive towards more effective financial planning and execution.
On the Strategy tab, your marketing organization breaks down corporate goals into objectives for the marketing department and its teams. See Strategy Tab.
The Budgets tab is the access point for all budgets. It allows you to view collaborators and the currency of your investment plans. Users can perform specific tasks around import, POs, actuals and budget transfers. Administrators can reach administrative functions like creating columns or settings for the whole system. See Budget Tab.
The Investments tab is the workspace where marketing spend data is tracked. It is the data entry area of Spend and allows you to compare your plan, forecast, purchase orders (POs) and actuals seeing how the bottoms up plan has changed throughout the year, and view your current spend at any given time. The Investments tab has numerous basic and enhanced features to assist you at all stages of the planning phase. See Investments Tab.
The Insights tab contains dashboards and reports that are populated by entering your investments, PO’s and actuals and shows the current status of your marketing spend for all investments. Marketers can leverage this powerful BI application directly within the Insights tab, to answer critical marketing budgeting and planning business questions. See Insights Tab.
This chapter also describes panels as panels show important data. See Understanding Panels for more details.